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Reincarnation |
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166. How can the soul that has not attained to perfection during the corporeal life complete the work of its purification? "By undergoing the trial of a new existence." -- How does the soul accomplish this new existence? Is it through its transformation as a spirit? "The soul, in purifying itself, undoubtedly undergoes a transformation; but, in order to effect this transformation, it needs the trial of corporeal life." -- The soul has then, many corporeal existences? "Yes; we all have many such existences. Those who maintain the contrary wish to keep you in the same ignorance in which they are themselves." -- It would seem to result from this statement that the soul, after having quitted one body, takes another one; in other words, that it reincarnates itself in a new body. Is it thus that this statement is to be understood? "Evidently so." 167. What is the aim of reincarnation? "Expiation; progressive improvement of mankind. Without this aim, where would be its justice?" 168. Is the number of corporeal existences limited, or does a spirit go on reincarnating himself forever? "In each new existence, a spirit takes a step forwards in the path of progress; when he has stripped himself of all his impurities, he has no further need of the trials of corporeal life." 169. Is the number of incarnations the same for all spirits? "No; he who advances quickly spares himself many trials. Nevertheless, these successive incarnations are always very numerous, for progress is almost infinite." 170. What does the spirit become after its last incarnation? "It enters upon the state of perfect happiness, as a purified spirit." Justice of Reincarnation 171. What foundation is there for the doctrine of reincarnation? "The justice of God, and revelation; for, as we have already remarked, an affectionate father always leaves a door of repentance open for his erring children. Does not reason itself tell you that it would be unjust to inflict an eternal privation of happiness on those who have not had the opportunity of improving themselves? Are not all men God's children? It is only among selfish human beings that injustice, implacable hatred, and irremissible punishments are to be found."
Incarnation in Different Worlds 172. Do we accomplish all our different corporeal existences upon this earth? "Not all of them, for those existences take place in many different worlds. The world in which you now are is neither the first nor the last of these, but is one of those that are the most material, and the furthest removed from perfection." 173. Does the soul, at each new corporeal existence, pass from one world to another or can it accomplish several existences on the same globe? "It may live many times on the same globe, if it be not sufficiently advanced to pass into a higher one." -- We may, then, re-appear several times upon the earth? "Certainly." -- Can we come back to it after having lived in other worlds? "Assuredly you can; you may already have lived elsewhere as upon the earth." 174. Is it necessary to live again upon this earth? "No; but if you do not advance, you may go into a world no better than this one, or even worse." 175. Is there any advantage in coming back to inhabit this earth? "No special advantage, unless it be the fulfillment of a mission; in that case the spirit advances, whether incarnated in this earth or elsewhere." -- Would it not be happier to remain as a spirit? "No, no! for we should remain stationary; and we want to advance towards God." 176. Can spirits come to this world, for the first time, after having been incarnated in other worlds? "Yes; just as you may go into other ones. All the worlds of the universe are united by the bonds of solidarity; that which is not accomplished in one of them is accomplished in another." -- Some of those who are now upon this earth are here, then, for the first time? "Many of them are so; and at various degrees of advancement." -- Is there any sign by which we can know the spirits who are here for the first time? "Such knowledge would not be of the slightest use to you." 177. In order to arrive at the perfection and the supreme felicity which are the final aim of mankind, is it necessary for a spirit to pass through all the worlds that exist in the universe? "No; for there are a great number of worlds of the same degree, in which a spirit would learn nothing new." -- How, then, are we to explain the plurality of his existences upon the same globe? "He may find himself, each time he comes back, in very different situations, which afford him the opportunity of acquiring new experience." 178. Can spirits live corporeally in a world relatively inferior to the one in which they have already lived? "Yes; when they have to fulfill a mission in aid of progress; and in that case they joyfully accept the tribulations of such an existence, because these will furnish them with the means of advancement." -- May this not occur also as an expiation and may not rebellious spirits be sent by God into worlds of lower degree? "Spirits may remain stationary, but they never retrograde; those who are rebellious are punished by not advancing, and by having to recommence their misused existences under the conditions suited to their nature." -- Who are they that are compelled to recommence the same existence? "They who fail in the fulfillment of their mission, or in the endurance of the trial appointed to them." 179. Have all the human beings who inhabit any given world arrived at the same degree of perfection? "No; it is in the other worlds as upon the earth; there are some who are more advanced, and others who are less so." 180. In passing from this world into another one, does a spirit retain the intelligence which he possessed in this one? "Undoubtedly he does; intelligence is never lost. But he may not have the same means of manifesting it for that depends both on his degree of advancement and on the quality of the body he will take." (See, Influence of Organism.) 181. Have the human beings who inhabit the other worlds bodies like ours? "They undoubtedly have bodies, because it is necessary for the spirit to be clothed with matter in order to act upon matter; but, this envelope is more or less material according to the degree of purity at which each spirit has arrived, and it is these gradations of purity that decide the different worlds through which we have to pass; for in our Father's house are many mansions, and therefore many degrees among those mansions. There are some who know this, and possess the consciousness of this fact, while upon the earth; and there are others who have no such intuition."
Please View these Important Websites: www.drkanya.stemtechhealth.com www.naturalusa.com/ads/treeoflife.html Kanya Vashon McGhee 1701 M. L. King Drive
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"God" is Divine MIND - "The Creator" is THOUGHT
www.drkanya.stemtechhealth.com www.naturalusa.com/ads/treeoflife.html Kanya Vashon McGhee 1701 M. L. King Drive SW Atlanta, GA 30314-2227 email: drkanya9@hotmail.com404-753-5700 Toll Free 1-866-840-5700 Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 From: "Greg Gavin" onelighta@yahoo.com In order to get out of one's body in a clear clean separation requires a bolt of energy, which executes what is commonly described as a `roll out'. Envisioning one's self twenty feet away from one's body prior to going to sleep, places one at that distance, usually outside once house. No need to get stuck in walls or ceilings when one has a glide path clear of all structure, thus enabling one to take off to wherever one wishes. True astral freedom does exist. Satisfaction is experienced. Though I have been free from my body hundreds of times, to have a clear clean projection is always at task for the practitioner who goes it alone, irregularly or infrequently. Constant practice and desire is an art form, like any other art form. Willingness to go through whatever is needed is paramount for greater results. For the one who successfully astral travels, the gross world shrinks, as new supernatural kingdoms are revealed. To competently astral travel requires a lifestyle, which is dedicated to the practical art of clean astral projectories. Telling oneself, `I want to enjoy the state of astral travel, and I want to do this on a continuum', relaxes and nurtures one's inward natural ability to do so. These thoughts warm the fire, keep one on the path, allows great supernatural energies to enter into one's life. Setting the table on a daily basis informs the spirit, the deeper spirit, that this is what one `wants' to do. Going into Paradise via the astral spirit is always available to the one who exceedingly seeks that. Great valleys and beautiful mountain ranges open up, infinite energy is given, to the one who wants to participate in the awakening of the hidden high Kundalini, the Shaktipat, the VRIL. Maintaining a friendship with a partner in astral travel, reclaims great hidden energies. Remembering with each other that by keeping the same itinerary is also helpful. Yet adventures in a moment's whim are always occurring. It is only a matter of time where one edifies their life such that astral functioning becomes the benchmark of their ability to attain and receive everything that one needs. Astral Travel need not be a side dish to one's lifestyle, indeed when only thought of as a side dish, astral experiences will be quite shallow and most probable disheartening. This is why persons, fully invent a world where astral practice is the center of it. Once awareness is opened one can go into or view the future, one may go to distant places, one may go into the depths of this planet. Astral travel in ancient times was a most dedicated art for the heart and mind space. Before corrupt and artificial entertainment was introduced into cultures, the astral arts were the Path. Going to the arena to see terrible acts, watching football, soaps, and numerous other escapes were not available. Once these distractions became established the fine art of astral journeying was forgotten by the many. Removing the Blocks If one is naturally timid, astral travel will prove a great confidence builder. After several powerful experiences of astral travel, the practitioner accesses supernatural power that opens up the divine worlds, once hidden. What we call fear, or exaggerated anxiety, is removed through deep breathing, stretching the prana rings, opening up the second wind, thus allowing the body to enter the powerful vibration of the electromagnetic state. Some people have complained that this experience is uncomfortable in part due to their inability to open their lungs fully, to lose emotional control and have higher control. Allowing spirit to take over, to reign the inner workings, is a state some find difficult. I find it reassuring and know by deeper and more deeper expansion the power from the source will open up. Removing all the blocks and Working with the Source is the goal. www.Onelight.com does not believe in or need religion. Only to educate one's heart as to what is good and true for the individual, is needed. We live in a passing time, a veil, where individuals will soon realize the gods they are and the powers of the gods that they truly own. A little discipline and encouragement is all that is needed to get one going on the correct path. www.Onelight.com 2006 http://onelight.com/vrilland/index.htm
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