Volume I, Issue 3 |
Reverend David Gray, Ascended Master by Joan Cartwright, M.A.
Dr. David C. Gray was a native of Jamaica, West Indies. He was a metaphysical teacher, lecturer, magnetic healing channel and counselor. He worked with higher consciousness. Dr. Gray developed and conducted classes and workshops on:
David was a Student of Ageless Wisdom. He is know in the Spiritual Realm as Marco. David channeled the Ascended Masters like Dwal Khul, St. Germain, Kuthumi and El Morya. He was a Self-Realized Yogi, adept in Metaphysics and Higher Consciousness. He was a member of the Church Universal and Triumphant, in Malibu, California and the American Society for Psychical Research, in New York. David was an Ordained Minister with a Bachelor of Divinity from the Universal Brotherhood Movement, in Atlanta, Georgia. He held a Master's Degree in Spirituality from International College of Spiritual and Psychic Sciences, in Montreal, Quebec. He was a Minister of the Seventh Degree of Hidden Knowledge from Astara, in Upland, California. In this Special Issue of GaiaNews we celebrate the Life and Ascension of this wonderful and greatly loved human being - Reverend David C. Gray who will surely be missed by his fellow Lightworkers: Jeanette, Phillip, Omian, Muriel, Cecilia, Ken, Thelma, Joan and far too many more to mention.May the Divine Light envelope you, David, and fill you with the Light of Divinity and may you dispense that Light to your students and friends in the Spirit still here on Earth! Thank
you Available in April
2007 from www.trafford.com
A Celebration of November 17, 2000
The Law of Forgiveness To forgive seven times seven is to forgive, by the flame of Christ, the wrongs and injustices practiced by the self upon the self and other selves through the perversion of the seven planes of God's consciousness in the seven chakras. Jesus instructed Peter that to forgive seven times seven was not enough. Seven times seven was not for the integration of the soul into the wholeness of the Christ. The Master taught his disciples that there is a need for the multiplication of the flame of forgiveness by the power of ten, as well as by the power of the seven. Seven times seven, the period of Buddha's enlightenment under the Bo tree, is for the mastery of the seven planes of being and the mastery of these planes in the seven bodies of man.
Not just one round of seven for the anchoring of the spiral of God's awareness in the wheels of the law is enough. Also needed is the action of the seven rays in the consciousness of the Elohim, multiplying the power of each of the seven chakras. Therefore, forty-nine days were required for Buddha to sit under the Bo tree to attain Enlightenment. Initiation of the Buddhic consciousness requires that we fulfill the law of the seven chakras in each of the planes of God's consciousness. Once we have gained mastery of the heart, that mastery must be transferred to each of the other chakras. The fulfillment of each of the seven rays will occur as the mastery of the heart is transferred to each of the other chakras. Likewise, once we've mastered the power of the spoken word in the throat chakra, the energies garnered as the Logos - the blueprint fire of God-perfection, direction and protection - is upheld in the other six chakras. Having gained mastery of the seven in the seven, we are ready for the multiplication by the power of the ten. Now, we see why the number ten was used in the teachings of Jesus:
The solar plexus chakra has ten petals, five with a positive charge, focusing the thrust of Alpha in the secret rays, and five with a negative charge, focusing the return current of Omega in the secret rays. This is the pattern of evolving soul consciousness. The solar plexus is the area where initiation of the test of the ten is passed - the test of selflessness, which involves the emotions and God-control of those emotions through the Divine Ego, which becomes prominent in the soul as the result of surrender of the human ego. The desire body is anchored in and releases its energy through the solar plexus and throat chakras. Mankind's desire body contains a greater amount of God's energy than any of the other three bodies. All motives and motivational patterns contained within the desire body are fulfilled consciously and unconsciously as energy spirals manifest through the solar plexus and throat chakras. Mankind is hindered in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan only insofar as desire does not reflect the desire of God to be everywhere, which is the fulfillment of life, truth and love. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus surrendered all lesser desires to the greater desire of the Universal Self and the entire weight of the momentum of energy in the desire body propelled the fulfillment of the Will of God, out picturing the soul's own blueprint in the four lower bodies. The fulfillment of the law will prepare all mankind to make the final initiation as they ascend into their higher selves. However, a strong, disciplined mind is necessary to overcome carnal desires of the intellectual mind projected through the mass consciousness. To forgive is to remove accumulated darkness in the space of each physical atom. The act of forgiveness releases the weight from the mind and body, preparing them to receive Christ energy. |
Joan Cartwright, M.A.