Volume I, Issue 1 |
June, 2000
Early beginnings
Dancing was my joy, since I was four. Mommy enrolled me in Bernice Johnson's Dancing School and saw to it that I was at every class on time, by dropping me off at Mrs. Johnson's house on her way to work. Budd Johnson, her husband, was a tenor saxophone player. His studio in the basement was my favorite place. I went from listening to Budd play to dancing with Bernice. Those were the earliest days of my affair with music and the arts. So, when I attended Church, the choir enrapt me in joyous song. The Latin didn't stifle my enthusiasm in the least. The pipe organ erased any doubt in my mind that the loft, high above the congregation, held my most cherished treasure - Music of the spheres! The smoke from the canister that held the incense for Benediction was the next thing I loved. That smell stayed in my nostrils well past the sweet scent of freshly baked goods that we indulged in every Sunday morning at the bakery on Rockaway Boulevard, a block from St. Clement's. Spirit drove my Mother to enroll me into Catholic School so that I could better learn the fundamentals, reading, writing and arithmetic. I agree that I got a wonderful education. My writing skills were honed in that grammar school so that, by the time I was ready for high school, I'd mastered the English language and won a scholarship to Bishop McDonnell Memorial High School on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn.At Bishop's I too excelled with the prodding of my Mother whose education ethic was exceedingly strong. A Virgo, Charlotte Galloway Cartwright was a stickler for dotted i's and crossed t's. She was the Mother who signed every report card and homework assignment. She didn't "take tea for fever." You did your homework or else you suffered the wrath of Charlotte. And it was Spirit that made me a conscientious student. The Spirit of Charlotte G. Mom, a legal
secretary, was promoted to the secretary to the Assistant Director of the
Veteran's Administration in Manhattan. She was a WAC during World War II,
where she met my father, a railway postal clerk. She pushed Dad to get a
bachelor's degree to match her own from Hunter College. They held firm hands
on me to assure my being well educated. They sacrificed to pay for my
education and it was Spirit that guided them to enroll me in Catholic
School. Outer Dealings Laughter is the serum I dispense to those in my outer realm. Communication, confirmation and participation are the gifts I give and receive from my associates on the Inner Plane. My Earthly monad consists of: Marco
Bess Omian Spirit abides with me. When I forget my Divinity, Spirit taps me on the shoulder and reminds me not to forget WHO I am! I AM the All, the Knower and the Doer. I AM part of the Whole and can never be separate from It. I AM a child of the Universe and the Light of the Universe lives in my Heart. I am responsible to remember My Beloved I AM Presence at every waking moment. There is nothing outside of my relationship with my Higher Self except when I forget WHO I am! There have been many days of forgetting in the past fifty-two years. There has been stress, depression, doubt, misery, terror, unhappiness, and discomfort, all because I was asleep. However, once I was awakened fully by the books I read that were channeled by Ascended Masters like Jesus, St. Germain, Dwal Khul (through Alice Bailey), Avatar, Sai Baba, Michael the Archangel, the Seven Mighty Elohim - Purity, Peace, Hercules and others, I was awake enough to remember on a daily basis. Now, my Spirit, My Beloved Presence refuses to forget. It awakens me every morning with the Kiss of Life. It assures me that nothing bad can ever happen to me. It congratulates me on becoming WHO I am! And there are
infinite vistas that I have yet to see. There are many precious moments I'll
have before I melt into the ONE, until I'm called HOME to the OM, the
Silence, and the LIGHT! Remember: I AM a Mighty
Presence in the Universe.
My Mighty I AM Presence is filled with energy to manifest any and all of the Desires of My Beloved Presence.
affirm the evolvement of the human soul to the level of Co-creator with
Higher Mind, so that each person on Planet Earth be given and receive
Light in great quantities for their use for Good throughout the Planet. I
do this in the name of My Mighty I AM Presence, the Ascended Host, Sanat
Kumara, my teachers and friends in Spirit!
Today, and for years to
come, I call on the Planetary and Universal Spirit to uplift the Human
Race to greater heights of Understanding, Love, Joy, Grace, Purity,
Happiness, Freedom, Enlightenment, Peace, Victory, Success, Abundance,
Creativity and Cooperation.
Thank you
Call To Service From this day forward, I offer my services to Sanat Kumara for the fulfillment of the Divine Plan on Earth and throughout this Solar System. I will bring to the attention of those I encounter the message of Oneness, Perfection, Grace, Love, Peace, Joy, Abundance and Participation. I will energize those around the Planet who are working to eliminate poverty, hunger, disease and ignorance of the gifts of Spirit, without being judgmental or conquering. I call on all the Lightworkers to mobilize and move forward with the Plan of the New Age to enlighten every living Being to Discipleship and Service. I call on the Sevenfold Sacred Fire of the Seven Mighty Elohim to pour out Grace and Light on the Planet today, and in the New Millennium for our well being, love and fulfillment. I demand that
the appetites of human beings for Oneness, Unity and Cooperation be quenched
Lightworkers are my family members, my friends and those I've yet to meet. I AM a blessed Being and I thank My Mighty I AM Presence for guiding me lovingly back to My True Self, WHO I am! It's taken years for me to understand that I don't have to DO anything. BEING is my duty. I AM at Peace with the Purity of My Beloved Presence. I AM joyful that I AM a Lightworker. My Discipleship has led me to Loving My Mighty I AM Presence and trusting the Love in my Heart to magnetize to me all that I Desire manifest in this world. As a
co-creator with the Universe, I AM happy to be a Lightworker. I AM happy to
enlighten others and communicate with the enlightened. I AM Blessed with
Abundance, Strength, Wisdom, Joy, Love and Happiness. I AM fortunate to be
in the place that I AM and wish to bring others to this place. I AM grateful
to SPIRIT for having me and holding me In Focus so that I may see the fruits
of the labors of My Beloved Presence. Power is the gift I give and receive from Spirit. My Mighty I AM Presence is filled with energy to manifest any and all of the Desires of My Beloved Presence. I Will all Life to be at Peace and Purified with the Perfection of Spirit. I call to and demand from My Universe all the things that I need to fulfill my purpose as a Lightworker from this day forward until the end of time as My Body knows it. I
call on My Mighty I AM Presence to supply My Body with any and all
things necessary to communicate what My Beloved Presence deems necessary. I
offer to My Mighty I AM Presence all of my activities, all of my Desires,
all of my accomplishments and dreams of things to come to past. I willingly
accept the blessing of My Beloved I AM Presence so that I may fulfill the
purpose of My Body here in this existence.
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Joan Cartwright, M.A.